Project |
Group Leader |
Status |
Title |
Facility |
TARI Users |
Tot access available |
Tot access used |
Access Period |
P01/02 |
Z. Fulop |
Study of proton induced gamma background un metallic backings |
LUNA accelerator |
3 HU |
- |
56 |
May02-Feb 03 |
P02/02 |
A.P. De Jesus |
Study of Ta, Zr, and Ti nitride films by NRA |
LUNA accelerator |
4 PT |
- |
36 |
May 02-Nov 02 |
P03/02 |
A. Zalewska |
Elements of the reconstruction program for the ICARUS experiment - Part 1 |
Computing Infrastructures |
5 PL |
- |
90 |
May02-Feb 03 |
P04/02 |
H. DeKerret |
FADC400 |
Low backgr. facilities |
6 F |
- |
270 |
Jun 02-Oct 03 |
P05/02 |
M. Wojcik |
COMPLETED | Purazot |
Rn monitoring and geophysics |
3 PL |
- |
116 |
Jun 02-Oct 03 |
P06/02 |
L. Kahiola |
Background Characterisation for liquid scintillation spectrometry at underground laboratory of Gran Sasso |
Low backgr. facilities |
1 FI |
- |
23 |
Apr 03-Jul03 |
P07/02 |
J. Wiegand |
Groundwater RAdon Monitoring through Overthrust Fault |
Rn monitoring and geophysics |
3 D |
2 |
165 |
ongoing since Feb-03 |
P08/02 |
M.S. Cuna |
Ultra-low level detection of the tritium groundwater samples for liquid scintillation spectrometry at underground laboratory Gran Sasso |
Rn monitoring and geophysics |
3 RO |
- |
86 |
Mar 03-Jul 03 |
P09/02 |
K. Zuber |
Low backgr. facilities |
7 D |
52 |
118 |
ongoing since May-03 |
P10/02 |
J. Kisiel |
COMPLETED | Software development and mechanical calculations for the ICARUS detector |
Computing Infrastructures |
12 PL |
- |
241 |
Feb-03 Jun-04 |
P11/02 |
S. Schoenert |
Study of Radioactive Trace contaminations in Metal Loaded Scintillators |
Low backgr. facilities |
5 D 4 RU |
30 |
202 |
ongoing since Feb-03 |
P01/03 |
Z. Fulop |
Proton induced gamma background in gas target systems |
LUNA accelerator |
3 HU |
61 |
111 |
ongoing since Jul-03 |
P02/03 |
A. Zalewska |
Elements of the reconstruction program for the ICARUS experiment - Part 2 |
Computing Infrastructures |
7 PL |
160 |
90 |
ongoing since Oct-03 |
P03/03 |
D. Freckers |
Facility for the measurement of low radioactivity lead samples |
Low backgr. facilities |
7 D |
96 |
4 |
Jan-04 (expected) |
P04/03 |
D. Kolev |
Software for storing and retrieving data base for slowly varying constants of the OPERA experiment |
Computing Infrastructures |
3 BU |
75 |
45 |
ongoing since Jan-04 |
P05/03 |
D. Autiero |
OPERA trigger background |
Low backgr. facilities |
4 F |
- |
40 |
Jun-03 Jul-03 |
P06/03 |
V. Berezinski |
COMPLETED | Ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos |
Computing Infrastructures |
1 D 1 RU |
- |
183 |
Jun-03 Aug-04 |
P07/03 |
L. Kahiola |
Rn removal and background characterisation for liquid scintillation spectrometry at LNGS |
Low backgr. facilities |
1 FI |
14 |
- |
Sep-04 (expected) |
P08/03 |
M.S. Cuna |
Ultra-Low level Tritium detection at LNGS |
Rn monitoring and geophysics |
5 RO |
112 |
- |
Sep-04 (expected) |
P09/03 |
M. Wojcik |
Rn monitoring and geophysics |
3 PL |
69 |
21 |
ongoing since Jan-04 |
P01/04 |
D. Autiero |
OPERA changeable sheet test |
Low backgr. facilities |
3 F |
90 |
- |
Sep-04 (expected) |
P02/04 |
W. Hampel |
Low backgr. facilities | 3 D 3 RU |
9 |
57 |
ongoing since Apr-04 |
P03/04 |
V. Berezinsky |
ONGOING | Kinetic equation approach in UHECR and neutrinos |
Computing Infrastructures |
1 D 2 RU |
7 |
93 |
Sep-04 (expected) |
768 |
2056 |
Project Title Study of proton beam induced gamma background in metallic bakings LNGS Facility LUNA - 400 kV accelerator Group leader Zsolt Fulop Researchers involved and home institution Z. Fulop, G. Gyurky, E. Somorjai
MTA Atomki, Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen - Hungary
Status of the project COMPLETED
Access period: October 2002 - February 2003
Tot. Access: 56 person-days
Description of the project Final report
Project Title Study of Ta, Zr, and Ti nitride films by NRA LNGS Facility LUNA - 400 kV accelerator Group leader Adelaide Pedro de Jesus Researchers involved and home institution A. Pedro de Jesus, P. Ribeiro, N. Cruz, R. Parafita
Centro de Fisica Nuclear de Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa - Portugal
Status of the project COMPLETED
Access period: May 2002 - October 2002
Tot. access : 36 person-days
Description of the project Final report
Project Title Elements of the reconstruction program for the ICARUS experiment - Part I LNGS Facility Computing infrastructures and PC arrays Group leader Agnieszka Zalewska Researchers involved and home institution A. Zalewska J. Lagoda : Institute of experimental Physics of the Wasaw University, Warsaw - Poland
J Stepaniak: The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ) 05-400 Swierk/Otwock, Poland
J. Holeczek: University of Silesia, Institute of Physics, Katowice (Poland)
M. Markiewicz : Faculty of Physics of the University of Mining and metallurgy, Krakow - Poland
Status of the project COMPLETED
Access period: June 2002 - February 2003
Tot. access: 90 person-days
Description of the project Final Report
Project Title FADC400 LNGS Facility Infrastructures for low background measurements - CTF Group leader Herve De Kerret Researchers involved and home institution H. De Kerret, M. Obolenski, A. De Bellefont, D. Kryn, J. Lamblin, G. Mention : Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire et Cosmologie, Collège de France, Paris - France Status of the project February 2002 - October 2003 Description of the project Final Report
Project Title PURAZOT-I : Nitrogen purification from Radon LNGS Facility Rn counters Group leader Marcin Wojcik Researchers involved and home institution M. Wojcik, G. Zuzel, M. Misiaszek: Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krakow - Poland
Status of the project February 2002 - October 2003 Description of the project Final Report
Project Title BACLISS Background characterization for liquid scintillation spectrometry at underground laboratory of Gran Sasso LNGS Facility Low background facilities Group leader L. Kahiola Researchers involved and home institution L. Kaihola: Perkinhelmer life Sciences, Turku. Finland
Status of the project COMPLETED
Access period: April 2003-June 2003
Tot. Access: 28 man-days
Description of the project Final report
Project Title GRAMOF, Groundwater Radon Monitoring through overthrust fault LNGS Facility Rn counters Group leader J. Wiegand Researchers involved and home institution J. Wiegand, S. Awissus, Universitaet Essen, Geology Department,Germany
Status of the project Started February 2003 - ongoing Description of the project Status Report (October 2003)
Project Title TRIGLISS, : Ultra-low level detection of the tritium groundwater samples for liquid scintillation spectrometry at underground laboratory Gran Sasso LNGS Facility Rn counters and geophysics instrumentation Group leader M.S. Cuna Researchers involved and home institution M.S. Cuna, J. Chereji: National Inst. of Research-Dev. for isotopic and molecular technologies, Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Status of the project COMPLETED
Access period: - March 2003 - June 2003
Tot. Access: 86 man-days
Description of the project Final Report
Project Title COBRA, CdTe detectors test LNGS Facility Low Background facilities Group leader Kai Zuber
Researchers involved and home institution K. Zuber: University of Oxford, Dept. of Physics, Oxford (UK)- H. Kiel
C. Goessing, D. Muenstermann, S. Ohel, T. Villet, K. Warda:
University of Dortmund, Physics department, Dortmund (Germany)
Status of the project Started May 2003 - ongoing
Description of the project Status Report
Project Title Software development and mechanical calculations for the ICARUS detector LNGS Facility Computing infrastructures and PC arrays Group leader J. Kisiel
Researchers involved and home institution J. Kisiel, B. Bekman, J.Holeczek, Nowak : University of Silesia, Institute of Physics, Katowice (Poland)
J. Lagoda, K. Cieslak: Institute of experimental physics, Warsaw University, Warsaw (Poland)
K. Cieslik: H. Niewodinski Institute of Nuclear Physics (PL)
C. Juszczak, K. Graczyk: University of Wroklaw, Physics Dept., Wroklaw (Poland)
Status of the project Started February 2003 - ongoing Description of the project Status Report
Project Title Study of radioactive trace contaminations in metal loaded scintillators for solar neutrino detection LNGS Facility Low Background facilities Group leader S. Schoenert
Researchers involved and home institution S. Schoenert, C. Buck, D. Motta, F. Hartmann, U. Schwan, P. Peiffer : Max Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany)
E. Yanovich, I. Barabanov : Russian Academy of Science INR Moscow (Russia)
N. Danilov, Y. Krilov : Institute of Physical Chemistry and INR Moscow, Moscow (Russia)
Status of the project Started February 2003 - ongoing Description of the project Status Report
Project Title Proton induced gamma background in gas target systems
LNGS Facility LUNA Accelerator Group leader Z. Fulop
Researchers involved and home institution Z. Fulop, G. Gyurky, E. Somorjai : MTA Atomki, Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen - Hungary
Status of the project Started July 2003 - ongoing Description of the project Status Report
Project Title Elements for the reconstruction program for the ICARUS experiment - Part II
LNGS Facility Computing infrastructures and PC arrays Group leader Agnieszka Zalewska
Researchers involved and home institution A. Zalewska : Institute of experimental Physics of the Wasaw University, Warsaw - Poland
J Stepaniak: The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (IPJ) 05-400 Swierk/Otwock, Poland
J. Holeczek: University of Silesia, Institute of Physics, Katowice (Poland)
M. Markiewicz : Faculty of Physics of the University of Mining and metallurgy, Krakow - Poland
K. Cieslik: H. Niewodinski Institute of Nuclear Physics (PL)
Status of the project Started July 2003 - ongoing Description of the project
Project Title Facility for the measurement of low radioactivity lead samples
LNGS Facility Low background Group leader D. Freckers
Researchers involved and home institution D. Frekers, N. Bruski, S. Rakers, C. Baumer, C. Wachsmann, H. Baumeister, J. Schmand: University of Muester (Germany)
Status of the project Expected start: February2004 Description of the project
Project Title | Software for storing and retrieving data base for slowly varying constants of the OPERA experiment |
LNGS Facility | Computing infrastructures |
Group leader | D. Kolev |
Researchers involved and home institution | D. Kohlev, R. Tsenov, V. Vergilov: USt. Kliment Ohridiski University of Sofia (Bulgaria) |
Status of the project | Ongoing since January 2004 |
Description of the project |
Project Title | OPERA trigger backgrouns |
LNGS Facility | Low background facilities |
Group leader | D. Autiero |
Researchers involved and home institution | D. Autiero, C. Meritier, C. Girerd, J. Martean : IPN Lyon (France) |
Status of the project | COMPLETED Access period: June 2003-July 2003 Tot. Access: 40 man-days |
Description of the project | Final Report |
Project Title | Ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos |
LNGS Facility | Computing infrastructures |
Group leader | V. Berezinsky (LNGS) |
Researchers involved and home institution | A. Gazizov : DESY - Zeuthen (Germany) S. Grigorieva : Institute of Nuclear Research Moscow (Russia) |
Status of the project | COMPLETED Access period: June 2003 - June 2004 Tot. Access: 183 man-days |
Description of the project | Status Report |
Project Title | Rn removal and background characterisation for liquid scintillation spectrometry at LNGS |
LNGS Facility | Radon monitoring and geophysics nstrumentation |
Group leader | Lauri Kaihola |
Researchers involved and home institution | L. Kaihola: Perkinhelmer life Sciences, Turku. Finland |
Status of the project | Expected start: February 2004 |
Description of the project | Planned activity |
Project Title | Ultra-Low level Tritium detection at LNGS |
LNGS Facility | Radon monitoring and geophysics nstrumentation |
Group leader | M.S. Cuna |
Researchers involved and home institution | M.S. Cuna, J. Chereji, C.Cuna, M. Muresan: National Inst. of Research-Dev. for isotopic and molecular technologies, Cluj-Napoca (Romania) |
Status of the project | Expected start: February 2004 |
Description of the project | Planned activity |
Project Title PURAZOT-II : Nitrogen purification from Radon LNGS Facility Rn counters Group leader Marcin Wojcik Researchers involved and home institution M. Wojcik, G. Zuzel, M. Misiaszek: Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Krakow - Poland
Status of the project Ongoing since January 2004 Description of the project Planned activity