Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures

Project number: P11/02
Status report (October 2003)

Project Title: Study of Radioactive Trace contaminations in Metal Loaded Scintillators
Group Leader: S. Schoenert: Max Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany)
Researchers:  D. Motta, F.X. Hartmann, U. Schwann, C. Buck: Max Planck Institut fuer Kernphysik, Heidelberg (Germany)
E. Yanovich, I. Barabanov: Russian Academy of Science INR Moscow (Russia)
N. Danilov, Y. Krilov: Institute of Physical Chemistry and INR Moscow, Moscow (Russia)
Delivered access (filled by TARI administration): 167 man-days

Status of the project (filled by group leader):
The Lens Low-Background Facility at LNGS (LLBF) which consists of a 80 ton low-background shielding system equipped with electronics and DAQ is now fully operational. A modular detector system has been mounted inside the LLBF. It consists of an inner detector array (IA) and an envelope array. It is composed of  9 rectangular quartz cells with dimensions 1000 mm  x 50 mm x 50 mm (~ 2.5 liter volume each) equipped with light guides. Newly developed low-background photomultiplier and voltage divider have been delivered to LNGS. The scintillator quantities (non-loaded and metal loaded) were loaded into the array. Detailed studies on synthesis recipes of indium loaded liquid scintillators and on their optical properties have been performed at LNGS and MPI-HD.  Optical studies on the light transport properties of the inner array have been completed. At present 3 quartz cells filled with PXE are underground in the LLBF. A test mounting of the IA with one cell, equipped with light guides and PMTs  has been completed, and the full electronic chain and DAQ is being debugged.

Future programs  (filled by group leader):
·    Completion of the installation of IA and first background measurements to be compared with measurements previously obtained with Ge diodes.
·    Measurements of energy and spatial resolution for the unloaded LS cells.
·    Measurements of correlated background events in unloaded scintillator.
·    Measurements of energy and spatial resolution for the In-loaded LS cells.
·    Comparative studies of performances of InLS from different recipies.
·    Measurement of backgrounds (single and correlated) of InLSs.

