Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures

Project number: P03/02
Final scientific report

Project Title: Elements of the reconstruction program for the iCARUS experiment
LNGS Access period: May 2002 – December 2002
Group Leader: A. Zalewska: Institute for Nuclear Phyisics, Cracow (Poland)
Researchers: J Stepaniak: A. Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (PL)
    J. Holeczek,: Institute of Physics of the University of Silesia, Katowice (PL)
    J. Lagoda: Institute of Experimental Physics of the Warsaw University (PL)
    M. Markiewicz: University of mining and metallurgy, faculty of Physics, Warsaw University (PL)
Delivered access (filled by TARI administration): 90 man-days

Final scientific report  (filled by group leader):
The basic project objectives are the contributions to the ICARUS reconstruction program along the following work lines:
1. Detector calibration based on muon tracks,
2. Momentum determination based on the measurements of multiple scattering in Liquid Argon,
2. Reconstruction of the interactions.
This is a long term program.  Objectives for the first six months of its realisation covered setting up basic simulations, selecting suitable events from the test data, establishing contacts and learning the infrastructure of the Gran Sasso laboratory.  The work was based on the simulated events and on the data taken in summer 2001 during the surface tests (in Pavia) of the first fully operational half-module (equiped with two TPC chambers, filled with 300 tons of liquid argon) of the ICARUS detector.
In a framework of the project five persons (K.Cieslik, J.Holeczek, J.Lagoda, M.Markiewicz, J.Stepaniak) visited the Gran Sasso laboratory for altogether 3 months.  The work was done mostly in collaboration with the ICARUS groups from Gran Sasso, Aquila and Pavia.  Availability of the complete data set from the Pavia tests in the Gran Sasso laboratory was crucial for performing the work..  The sceleton simulation program has been settled, based on the GEANT package for simulating particle interactions and on the ROOT package for presenting simulation results. 
More in detail, contributions to our three main lines of activity were as follows:
1.  The determination of the electron drift velocity and electron lifetime based on muon tracks - work performed in collaboration with physicists from Gran Sasso and Aquila, described in the internal note ICARUS - TM/02-08 and in the paper "Observation of long ionizing tracks with the ICARUS T600 first half-module", recently sent for publication in NIM.
2.  The dependence of the frequency of electromagnetic interactions of high energy muons with energy transfer greater than a given limit has been calculated in liquid Argon as a function of the muon energy.  The observed number of delta electrons, proton-electron pairs and electromagnetic showers with energies larger than 15 MeV has been measured on seventy long muon tracks (longer than 5m) collected during the Pavia tests.  The muon energy distribution has been established.
3.  The simulation program for determination of muon momenta based on multiple scattering in liquid Argon has been set up and the working contacts with the Pavia physicists have started.
4.  The simulation program for studies of electromagnetic cascades and pi0 decays in liquid Argon has been prepared and a set of electromagnetic cascades and pi0's has been selected from the test data.

ICARUS collaboration, B. Bekman, K. Graczyk, J. Holeczek, J. Kisiel, J. Lagoda, M. Markiewicz, J. Stepaniak, A. Zalewska, "Observation of long ionizing tracks with the ICARUS T600 first half-module", Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A508:287-294,2003.

Evaluation by USP (March 2003)
The aim of this study was to develop software for the reconstruction and analysis of events in the Icarus liquid Argon detectors. Significant programs for partial aspects have been worked out. Publication submitted (NIM).

