Project number: P10/02
Status report (October 2003)
Status report (October 2003)
Project Title: Software development and mechanical calculations for the ICARUS detector
Group Leader: J. Kisiel: Institute of Physics University of Silesia, Katowice (PL)
Researchers: J. Kisiel, B. Bekman, J Holeczek, Nowak. : Institute of Physics University of Silesia, Katowice (PL)
J. Lagoda, K. Cieslak: Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University (PL)
K. Cieslik: H. Niewodinski Institute of Nuclear Physics (PL)
C. Juszczak, K. Graczyk: Institute of theoretical Physics, Wroklaw University (PL)
Delivered access (filled by TARI administration): 117 man-days
Group Leader: J. Kisiel: Institute of Physics University of Silesia, Katowice (PL)
Researchers: J. Kisiel, B. Bekman, J Holeczek, Nowak. : Institute of Physics University of Silesia, Katowice (PL)
J. Lagoda, K. Cieslak: Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University (PL)
K. Cieslik: H. Niewodinski Institute of Nuclear Physics (PL)
C. Juszczak, K. Graczyk: Institute of theoretical Physics, Wroklaw University (PL)
Delivered access (filled by TARI administration): 117 man-days
Status report (filled by group leader):
The following work has already been done within this project:
1. Calculations of the behavior of the cryostat structures under vacuum and under hydrostatic pressure of Liquid Argon. It was a cross-check of calculations for the T600 ICARUS module mechanical structure performed previously by the Air Liquide (Air Liquide is the main designer and the main executor of the cryostat of the ICARUS detector). Work on checking the solutions for an accommodation of the four independent T300 containers in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory hall (steel structure), and on the seismic dumpers. It was a contribution to the safety analysis.
2. Investigation of neutrino-nucleus interactions in the resonance region – improvements introduced to the theoretical model of Marteau. Comparison of predictions of NUX+FLUKA simulations with Marteau model. NUX describes the primary vertex, whereas FLUKA describes secondary reactions inside nucleus. Calculations of the model predictions for pion production and comparison with existing experimental data.
3. Simulation of light propagation in liquid argon of the ICARUS detector – Cerenkov radiation (continuous energy spectrum) and scintillation (wavelength equal to 128 nm in liquid Argon), Rayleigh scattering, light absorption in liquid Argon and light interactions with boundaries (reflection, absorption) were included. The light simulation was performed with the use of GEANT4 simulation package which is well suited to the studies of these processes. The work has been done first for the ICARUS 15 tons prototype which collected data, on the surface, at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in year 2000. The computer code has been written in such a way that its use for studies of light in the T600 module of the ICARUS detector was straightforward. The simulation outcomes were the basis for the analysis of the photomultipliers data collected during the ICARUS detector test run in Pavia in summer 2001. The light signal, detected by photomultipliers, is used as a trigger to start the data acquisition system.
Future programs (filled by group leader):
o Development of ROOT based software for visualization and reconstruction of ICARUS data.
o Pattern recognition and the reconstruction of the particle interaction.
o investigations of models of neutrino-nucleus interactions at neutrino energies of about 1 GeV.
o Energy determination of the electromagnetic cascades..
Publications planned or in preparation (filled by group leader):
ICARUS collaboration, B. Bekman, K. Graczyk, J. Holeczek, J. Kisiel, J. Lagoda, M. Markiewicz, J. Stepaniak, A. Zalewska, "Observation of long ionizing tracks with the ICARUS T600 first half-module", Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A508:287-294,2003.
ICARUS collaboration, B. Bekman, K. Cieslik, K. Graczyk, J. Holeczek, J. Juszczak, J. Kisiel, J. Lagoda, M. Markiewicz, J. Stepaniak, A. Zalewska , “Measurement of the m decay spectrum with the ICARUS liquid Argon TPC”, hep-ex/0311040 to be published in the European Physical Journal C.
The following work has already been done within this project:
1. Calculations of the behavior of the cryostat structures under vacuum and under hydrostatic pressure of Liquid Argon. It was a cross-check of calculations for the T600 ICARUS module mechanical structure performed previously by the Air Liquide (Air Liquide is the main designer and the main executor of the cryostat of the ICARUS detector). Work on checking the solutions for an accommodation of the four independent T300 containers in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory hall (steel structure), and on the seismic dumpers. It was a contribution to the safety analysis.
2. Investigation of neutrino-nucleus interactions in the resonance region – improvements introduced to the theoretical model of Marteau. Comparison of predictions of NUX+FLUKA simulations with Marteau model. NUX describes the primary vertex, whereas FLUKA describes secondary reactions inside nucleus. Calculations of the model predictions for pion production and comparison with existing experimental data.
3. Simulation of light propagation in liquid argon of the ICARUS detector – Cerenkov radiation (continuous energy spectrum) and scintillation (wavelength equal to 128 nm in liquid Argon), Rayleigh scattering, light absorption in liquid Argon and light interactions with boundaries (reflection, absorption) were included. The light simulation was performed with the use of GEANT4 simulation package which is well suited to the studies of these processes. The work has been done first for the ICARUS 15 tons prototype which collected data, on the surface, at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in year 2000. The computer code has been written in such a way that its use for studies of light in the T600 module of the ICARUS detector was straightforward. The simulation outcomes were the basis for the analysis of the photomultipliers data collected during the ICARUS detector test run in Pavia in summer 2001. The light signal, detected by photomultipliers, is used as a trigger to start the data acquisition system.
Future programs (filled by group leader):
o Development of ROOT based software for visualization and reconstruction of ICARUS data.
o Pattern recognition and the reconstruction of the particle interaction.
o investigations of models of neutrino-nucleus interactions at neutrino energies of about 1 GeV.
o Energy determination of the electromagnetic cascades..
Publications planned or in preparation (filled by group leader):
ICARUS collaboration, B. Bekman, K. Graczyk, J. Holeczek, J. Kisiel, J. Lagoda, M. Markiewicz, J. Stepaniak, A. Zalewska, "Observation of long ionizing tracks with the ICARUS T600 first half-module", Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A508:287-294,2003.
ICARUS collaboration, B. Bekman, K. Cieslik, K. Graczyk, J. Holeczek, J. Juszczak, J. Kisiel, J. Lagoda, M. Markiewicz, J. Stepaniak, A. Zalewska , “Measurement of the m decay spectrum with the ICARUS liquid Argon TPC”, hep-ex/0311040 to be published in the European Physical Journal C.