Transnational Access to Research Infrastructures

Project number: P06/03
Status report (October 2003)

Project number: P06/03
Project Title: Ultra high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos
LNGS Access period: May 2003 – April 2004
Group Leader: V. Berezinsky
Researchers: A. Gazizov, S. Grigorieva

Status of the Project
We are working simulataneously on two projects: "Sources and fluxes of ultra-high energy neutrinos" and "Propagation of ultra-high energy nuclei in extragalactic space". For the first project we made the analytic and and numerical calculations for cosmogenic meutrinos produced due to interaction of UHE protons with microwave radiation. Normalizing the spectrum of protons to the observed one, we have obtained the lower limit on the diffuse neutrino flux in the model of extragalactic origin of observed UHECR.
For the second project we developed the analytic formalism. This stage is not finished and numerical calculations are not started yet.

Future plans
The plans for the second visit include finishing and discussion of cosmogenic calculations and starting the calculations of neutrino fluxes from the bright (re-ionozation) phase.

Publications planned or in preparation2 (filled by group leader):
We plan two publications, one for each projects. At this stage of work we cannot yet write the drafts. We plan to write them during the third visit.


