La lista completa delle Pubblicazioni è disponibile sul sito ufficiale dell'Esperimento COBRA
• Exploration of Pixelated detectors for double beta decay searches within the COBRA experiment.M. Schwenke, K. Zuber, B. Janutta, Z. He, F. Zeng, G. Anton, T. Michel, J. Durst, F. Lück, T. Gleixner, C. Goessling, O. Schulz, T. Koettig, H. Krawczynski, J. Martin, I. Stekl and P. Cermak
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A, accepted
• Background capabilities of pixel detectors for double beta decay measurements.Pavel Cermak, Ivan Stekl, Viktor Bocarova, Joshy M. Jose, Jan Jakubek, Stanislav Pospisil, Michael Fiederle, Alex Fauler, Kai Zuber, Pia Loaiza and Yuriy Shitov
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A in press
• Detecting multi-hit events in a CdZnTe coplanar grid detector using pulse shape analysis: A method for improving background rejection in the COBRA 0 nu beta beta experiment.
J. McGrath, M. Freer, B.R.Fulton, P.Joshi, P.Davies, D.Muenstermann, O.Schulz, K.Zuber
Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A615 (2010) 57-61
• Status of the COBRA double-beta-decay experiment.
K. Zuber (Dresden, Tech. U.).
2010. 3 pp. Published in Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys. 64 (2010) 267-269
• Experimental study of double-beta decay modes using a CdZnTe detector array.J. V. Dawson, C. Goessling, B. Janutta, M. Junker, T. Koettig, D. Muenstermann, S. Rajek, C. Reeve, O. Schulz, J. R. Wilson, and K. Zuber
Phys. Rev. C 80, 025502 (2009)
• An Investigation into the 113-Cd Beta Decay Spectrum using a CdZnTe Array.
J. V. Dawson, C. Reeve, J. R. Wilson, K. Zuber, M. Junker, C. Goessling, T. Koettig, D. Muenstermann, S. Rajek, O. Schulz
Nuclear Physics A, 2009, 818, 264. Eprint: arXiv:0901.0996
• Data Analysis and Background Studies for the COBRA Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Experiment.
C. Reeve
PhD. thesis, University of Sussex 2009
• Research and development of CdZnTe semiconductor detectors in a low background environment for the COBRA neutrinoless double beta decay experiment.
J. McGrath
PhD. thesis, University of York 2009
• Double beta decay with the COBRA experiment.D. Stewart
PhD. thesis, University of Warwick 2008
• First results on double beta decay modes of Cd, Te and Zn isotopes with the COBRA experiment.The COBRA Collaboration: T. Bloxham et al
PhD. thesis, University of Dortmund 2007
• Construction of a low background facility for the COBRA experiment and its performance.
D. Muenstermann
Physical Review C, 2007, 76, 025501. Eprint: arXiv:0707.2756
• Experimental study of Cd-113 beta decay using CdZnTe detectors.C. Goessling, M. Junker, H. Kiel, D.Muenstermann, S. Oehl, K. Zuber
Physical Physical Review C, 2005, 72, 064328. Eprint: arXiv:nucl-ex/0508016
• Determination of the Half Lives of Rare Decays of Cd, Te and Zn Isotopes for the COBRA Experiment.H. Kiel
PhD. thesis, University of Dortmund 2004
• A Search for various double beta decay modes of Cd, Te and Zn isotopes.H.Kiel, D.Muenstermann, K.Zuber
Nuclear Physics A, 2003, 723, 499. Eprint: arXiv:nucl-ex/0301007
• An alternative search for the electron capture of Te-123.D.Muenstermann, K. Zuber
Journal of Physics G, 2003, B1, 29. Eprint: arXiv:nucl-ex/0204006
• COBRA - Double beta decay searches using CdTe detectors.K. Zuber
Physics Letters B, 2001, 519, 1. Eprint: arXiv:nucl-ex/0105018