This list of references is a collection of the most important papers published by the ICARUS Collaboration. It includes Proposals for Experiments employing the ICARUS Liquid Argon Technology, reports on the technical R&D phase, results from experimental tests of various ICARUS prototypes and studies based on calculations/MC simulations of various physics issues attainable with the proposed ICARUS Detectors.
- C. Rubbia,
"The Liquid-argon time projection chamber: a new concept for Neutrino Detector"
CERN-EP/77-08 (1977).
- E. Aprile, K.L. Giboni and C. Rubbia,
"A study of ionization electrons drifting large distances in liquid and solid argon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A241, (1985), 62.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a proposal for the Gran Sasso Laboratory"
INFN/AE-85/7, Frascati (Italy, 1985).
- J.N. Bahcall, M. Baldo-Ceolin, D.B. Cline and C. Rubbia,
"Prediction for a Liquid Argon Solar Neutrino Detector"
Phys. Lett. 178B, (1986), 324.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Liquid Argon Imaging Chamber: A Novel Detector Technology",
Proceedings of the "The 13th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics", (1988).
- C. Rubbia,
"Direct electronic imaging of ionizing events in liquids",
Proceedings of the "Festi-Val - Festschrift for Val Telegdi", (Elsevier Sc. Publ. - 1988), 213.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS I: an optimized, real time detector of solar neutrinos",
LNF-89/005 (R), (1989).
- E. Buckley et al.,
"A study of ionization electrons drifting large distances in liquid argon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A275, (1989), 364.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"A study of the Electron Image due to ionizing events in a two-dimensional liquid argon TPC with a 24 cm drift gap", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A286, (1990), 135.
- G. Carugno, B. Dainese, F. Pietropaolo and F. Ptohos,
"Electron Lifetime Detector for Liquid Argon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A292, (1990), 580.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The Icarus Liquid Argon TPC: a New Detector for nt Search"
Proceedings of the "II International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics", Capri (Italy,14-18 Oct. 1991), 278.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"A Study of The Factors Affecting The Electron Life Time in Ultra-Pure Liquid Argon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A305, (1991), 177.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Liquid Argon TPC: An Electronic Bubble Chamber for Low Energy e+e- Collider",
Proceedings of the "DAFNE PHI-Factory Workshop", Frascati (Italy, 9-12 Apr.1991).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS liquid argon TPC: a complete imaging device for particle physics",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 315, (1992), 223.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Experiment: Status & Program"
Proceedings of the "IV International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes", Venezia (Italy, 10-13 Mar. 1992), 279.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detection of Energy Deposition Down to the keV Region Using Liquid Xenon Scintillation"
Proceedings of the "ICRLD - International Conference on Liquid Radiation Detectors", Tokio (Japan, 7-10 Apr.1992), 109.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Research & Development Program and Results"
Proceedings of the "ICRLD - International Conference on Liquid Radiation Detectors", Tokio (Japan, 7-10 Apr.1992), 118.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber: a Complete Imaging Detector"
Proceedings of the "International Symposium on Optical Applied Science and Engineering - Gamma-Ray Detectors", San Diego (California - USA, 21-22 Jul.1992), 58.
- F. Cavanna et al.,
"Search for 42Ar with a Germanium detector at Gran Sasso Laboratory",
LNGS - 92/27, (1992).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS experiment: Status and Progress",
Proceedings of the "High Energy Physics Conference", Dallas (Texas - USA, 1992).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS R&D program and results",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 327, (1993), 173.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"A Simple and Effective Purifier for Liquid Xenon"
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A329, (1993), 567.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detection of energy deposition down to the keV region using liquid xenon scintillation",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 327 (1993), 203.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS. Status and progress",
Proceedings of the "XXVIIIth Rencontre de Moriond", Villars sur Ollon (France, 1993), 135.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS liquid argon TPC: performance and applications",
Proceedings of the "2nd International Conference on Calorimetryin High Energy Physics", Capri (Italy, 1993).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"A three-ton liquid argon time projection chamber",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 332, (1993), 395.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Argon purification in the liquid phase",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 333, (1993), 567.
- F. Cavanna,
"Prospects of Atmospheric Neutrino Study with the ICARUS Detector"
Proceedings of the "XXIII International Cosmic Ray Conference",Calgary (Canada, 1993), Vol. 4, 491.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a novel detector for proton decay and neutrino searches at the LNGS",
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and Underground Physics Workshop"Gran Sasso (Italy, 1993), Nucl. Phys. B35 (Proc. Suppl.), (1994), 276.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a Neutrino Observatory at the Gran Sasso Laboratory",
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and Underground Physics Workshop", Gran Sasso (Italy, 1993),Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.), (1994), 280.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS II. A second-generation proton decay experiment and neutrino observatory at the Gran Sasso Laboratory",
Proposal by the ICARUS Collaboration, LNGS - 94/99, Vol.I (1993) and Vol.II (1994).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS. Status Report",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1993", LNGS - 94/98, (1994), 87.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Study of electron-ion recombination in liquid argon",
Universita` di Pavia, FNT/AE - 94/01, (1994).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Performance of a three-ton liquid argon time projection chamber",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 345, (1994), 230.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: a second generation proton decay and neutrino detector at the LNGS",
Proceedings of the "3rd International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics", BNL (New York - USA, 1994).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"A 3-D image chamber for the liquid argon TPC based on multi-layer printed circuit board",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 346, (1994), 550.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Improving the performance of the liquid argon TPC by doping with tetra-methyl-germanium",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 355 , (1995), 660.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS. Status Report",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1994", LNGS - 95/07, (1995), 125.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"TPC signal processing using artificial neural networks",
Proceedings of the "ICANN: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks", Paris (France, 1995).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"A neural network approach for the TPC signal processing",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 356, (1995), 507.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"On atmospheric 39Ar and 42Ar Abundance",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 356, (1995), 526.
- F. Cavanna,
"The CERN to Gran Sasso Long Baseline Neutrino Beam Project",
Proceedings of the "9-emes Rencontres de Physique de la Valle'E d'Aoste" LaThuile (Italy, 1995), and CERN-PPE/95-133(1995).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"A first 600 ton ICARUS detector installed at the Gran Sasso Laboratory",
Addendum to Proposal by the ICARUS Collaboration, LNGS - 95/10, (1995).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS Experiment",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1995", LNGS - INFN/AE-96/27, (1996), 131.
- F. Cavanna,
"ICARUS: a first 600 ton module at Gran Sasso Laboratory"
Proceedings of the "1st International Four Seas Conference", SISSA Trieste (Italy, 1995), CERN-Report/97-06, (1997) and LNGS - 95/59, (1995).
- F. Cavanna,
"L'esperimento ICARUS",
Volume "Italia al CERN"Ed. Menzinger, Rappresentanza Italiana - Ginevra, (Svizzera, 1996), 423.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Status Report on the ICARUS Experiment",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1996", (1996), 81.
- F. Pietropaolo,
" The ICARUS experiment: a status report",
Proceedings of the "11th Lake Louise Winter Institute", Singapore, (World Scientific, 1997), 495.
- C. Carpanese et al.,
"ARIANNA: the ICARUS Experiment Readout Module", Proceeding of the Xth IEEE Real Time Conference, Beaune (France, 22-26 September 1997), 299.
- J.P. Revol et al.,
" A Search Programme for Explicit Neutrino Oscillations at Long and Medium Baselines with the ICARUS detector", ICARUS-TM-97/10, (1997).
- R. Dolfini et al.,
"Study of Solar Neutrino detection in the 600 ton Liquid Argon ICARUS TPC",
LNGS - INFN/AE-97/49, (1997).
- F. Pietropaolo,
"The ICARUS Neutrino Oscillation Programme",
Proceedings of the "Workshop on Fixed Target Physics at the Main Injector", Fermilab (USA, 1997), Fermilab-Conf-97/279.
- F. Arneodo et al.,
"Underground Neutron Spectrometry with a Liquid Scintillator Detector",
LNGS - INFN/AE-97/52, (1997).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1997", (1997), 81.
- C. Carpanese et al.,
"DAEDALUS: a hardware signal analyser for ICARUS", Proceeding of the 7th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, La Biodola, Elba (Italy, 25-31 May 1997), Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 409, (1998), 294.
C. Carpanese et al.,
"ARIANNA: the ICARUS Experiment Readout Module", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 45 no. 4 (1998).
- S. Centro et al.,
"Low-Noise BiCMOS Front-End and Fast Analogue Multiplexer for Ionization Chamber", Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 409, (1998), 300.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Performance Evaluation of a Hit Finding Algorithm for the ICARUS Detector",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 412, 2-3 (1998), 440.
- A. Rubbia,
"Status Report on the ICARUS experiment",
Proceedings of the "WIN97: XVI Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos", Capri (Italy, June 1997),Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 66, (1998), 436.
ICARUS Collaboration,
"Calibration of BC501A Liquid scintillator Cells with Monochromatic Neutron Beams",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 418, 2-3 (1998), 285.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS-Like Technology for Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations",
CERN/SPSC 98-33, (1998).
- G. Acquistapace et al.,
"The CERN neutrino beam to Gran Sasso (NGS); conceptual and technical design",
CERN-98-02 and INFN-AE-98-05, (1998).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
" ICARUS: a status report",
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and Underground Physics Workshop"Gran Sasso (Italy, 1997), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 70,, 1-3 (1999), 453.
- F. Arneodo,
" Solar neutrinos detection with the Icarus experiment and the neutron background measurement",
Proceedings of the "TAUP: Theory and Phenomenology in Astroparticle and Underground Physics Workshop"Gran Sasso (Italy, 1997), Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 70,, 1-3 (1999), 458.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS 50 l LAr TPC in the CERN neutrino Beam",
Proceedings of the "36th Workshop on New Detectors"Erice (Italy, 1997), World Scientific (1999), 3
HEP-EX/9812006, 3 Dec 1998
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1998", (1998), 85.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detection of scintillation light in coincidence with ionizing tracks in a LAr TPC",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 432, (1999), 240.
- F. Arneodo et al.,
"Neutron background measurements in the ICARUS area at the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory",
Nuovo Cimento, A8 (1999), 819.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Proton Decay and the CERN-GranSasso Long Baseline Experiment",
Proceedings of the "International Symposium on Lepton and Baryon Numebr Violation"Trento (Italy, Apr. 1998), Institute of Physics Publishing (1999), 321.
- ICANOE Collaboration,
"ICANOE: a proposal for a CERN-GS long baseline and atmospheric neutrino oscillation experiment",
INFN/AE-99-17, CERN/SPSC 99-25, CERN/SPSC/P314, September 1999.
- ICANOE Collaboration,
"ICANOE: preliminary technical design",
LNGS-P21/99-Add1, CERN/SPSC 99-39, CERN/SPSC/P314-Add1, November 1999.
- ICANOE Collaboration,
"ICANOE: answers to questions and remarks concerning the ICANOE Project",
LNGS-P21/99-Add2, CERN/SPSC 99-40, CERN/SPSC/P314-Add2, November 1999.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 1999", (June 2000), 87.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS 600 ton: a status report",
Proceedings of the "6th topical seminar on neutrino and astroparticle physics" S. Miniato (Italy, May 1999), Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 85 (2000), 119.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"First observation of 140cm drift ionizing tracks in the ICARUS LAr TPC",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 449 (2000), 36.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Detrmination of through-going tracks' direction by means of delta-rays with the ICARUS LAr TPC",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 449 (2000), 42.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Scintillation Efficiency of nuclear recoil in Liquid Xenon",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 449 (2000), 147.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Study of Solar Neutrinos with the 600 ton liquid argon ICARUS detector",
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 455 (2000), 378.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Operation of a 10m3 ICARUS Detector Module",
Proceedings of the "Frontiers Detectors for Frontier Physics" Conference d'Elba (Italy, May 2000), Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A461 (2001), 286.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
Proceedings of the "Frontiers Detectors for Frontier Physics" Conference d'Elba (Italy, May 2000), Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A461 (2001), 324.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber",
Proceedings of the "Imaging 2000" ConferenceStockholm (Sweden, July 2000), Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A471 (2001), 272.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 2000", (June 2001), 89.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS T600 Experiment",
Proceedings of the "NOON2000" ConferenceTokyo (Japan, December 2000), Proc. of the Conference Ed. World Scientific (2001), 122.
- ICARUS Collaboration, "STATUS OF THE ICARUS EXPERIMENT", Proceedings
of the SNOW (Skandinavian NeutrinO) Workshop, Uppsala (Sweden, February
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Experiment: a second-generation Proton decay experiment and Neutrino Observatory at Gran Sasso Observatory - Initial Physics Program",
LNGS-P28/2001 and LNGS-EXP 13/89 add.1/01 (March, 2001).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS T600 and the Solar Neutrino Experiment",
Proceedings of the "NO-VE International Workshop"Venice (Italy, July 2001), Proc. of the Conference Ed. Papergraf (M. Baldo-Ceolin)(2001), 91.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"The ICARUS Experiment: a second-generation Proton decay experiment and Neutrino Observatory at Gran Sasso Observatory - Cloning of T600 Modules to reach the design sensitive Mass",
LNGS-EXP 13/89 add.2/01 (November, 2001). (Also available as ICARUS-TM/2001-09).
- ICARUS Collaboration, "STATUS OF ICARUS" , Proceedings of the XXXVI Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs (France, March 2002).
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"ICARUS T600: Imaging Cosmics and Rare Underground Signals",
Contribution to the "L.N.G.S. Annual Report 2001", LNGS/EXP-02/02 (May 2002), 113.
- ICARUS Collaboration,
"Performance of the 10m3 ICARUS liquid Argon prototype",
submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A (Oct. 2002).