How to apply for Transnational Access

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A group of researchers working at a common project which needs to have TRANSNATIONAL access to one of the Underground lab facilities can apply for support within TA-DUSL.
Eligibility and priority is determined by the following criteria:

  • Group leader must be EU (or ass. countries);
  • The majority of researchers of each group must be EU (or ass. countries);
  • Researchers of same nationality where the lab is located are not eligible (access must be transnational);
  • Eligibility is determined by Home Institution;
  • Priority is given to new users;
  • Priority is given to less favoured countries;
  • The amount of access supported cannot exceed 90 days for each individual user within a given project;
  • Typical duration of each project can vary from a few weeks up to a maximum of one year for very complex activities.

Eligible researchers wishing to have access to Underground Lab facilities are required to submit written proposals describing the work that they wish to carry out and all information requested in the application form.

The applications will be examined according to the call for proposals, issued every six months (usually in March and September).

Here is the list of the call for proposals:

* I call for proposals: deadline
June 15 2004 (expired)
* II call for proposals: deadline
September 30 2004 (expired)
* III call for proposals: deadline
February 28 2005 (expired)
* IV call for proposals: deadline
September 30 2005 (expired)
* V call for proposal: deadline
February 28 2006 (expired)

* VI call for proposal: deadline September 30 2006 (expired)

* VII call for proposal: deadline March 31, 2007 (expired)

* VIII call for proposal: deadline September 30, 2007 (expired)

* IX call for proposal: deadline March 31, 2008 (expired)


No new call for proposals will be issued, because the ILIAS contract will expire on March 31st, 2009.

Download application form

Download template for final report

The Application form must be sent by e-mail to the TA-DUSL coordinator:

Proposals can be submitted any time during the contract period (April 2004 - April 2009) .
The proposals received will be evaluated a few days after the deadlines by the ILIAS-TA 
User Selection Panel (USP).
A prompt answer will be comunicated to the group leaders shortly after approval, following the recommendations given in the USP meeting.

