LNGS Photo Collection
LNGS photos are organized in main directories through which you can navigate.
For each thumbnail you have two links:
view image to enlarge and "play" with the photo.
High-Resolution to ask for a High-Resolution Image.
For each thumbnail you have two links:
view image to enlarge and "play" with the photo.
High-Resolution to ask for a High-Resolution Image.
Browsing other/educational/poster (18 photos)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] borexino.jpg (760x1086, 200.53k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] gigs.jpg (760x1086, 168.19k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] gno.jpg (760x1086, 144.1k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] icarus.jpg (760x1086, 117.45k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] luna.jpg (760x1086, 129k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] lvd.jpg (760x1086, 145.33k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] macro.jpg (760x1086, 137.5k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] mat_oscura.jpg (510x729, 145.43k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] neutrini.jpg (760x1086, 160k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] radioattivita1.jpg (760x1086, 143k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] radioattivita2.jpg (760x1086, 150.73k)

[ view image : High-Resolution ] radioattivita3.jpg (760x1086, 150.82k)

Poster divulgativo sui raggi cosmici - Educational poster about cosmic rays (available only in Italian)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] raggi-cosmici1.jpg (760x1086, 106.99k)

Poster divulgativo sui raggi cosmici - Educational poster about cosmic rays (available only in Italian)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] raggi-cosmici2.jpg (760x1086, 86.3k)

Poster divulgativo sui raggi cosmici - Educational poster about cosmic rays (available only in Italian)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] raggi-cosmici3.jpg (760x1086, 99.89k)

Poster divulgativo sui neutrini dal sole - Educational poster about solar neutrinos (available only in Italian)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] solar-neutrino.jpg (760x1086, 165.66k)

Poster divulgativo sul ciclo di vita di una supernova - Educational poster about the life of a supernova (available only in Italian)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] supernova.jpg (760x1086, 140.51k)

Poster divulgativo sui neutrini da Supernova - Educational poster about supernova neutrinos (available only in Italian)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] supernova2.jpg (760x1086, 148.51k)
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