LNGS Photo Collection
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For each thumbnail you have two links:
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Browsing experiments/luna (5 photos) Title
LUNA 400kV durante il collando nei laboratori sotteranei nell'anno 2000. Il serbatoio grigio contiene la sorgente di protoni ed il sistema di accelerazione degli stessi - LUNA 400kV accelerator during the test in the undeground lab in 2000. The grey tank contains the proton source and their accelerator system
[ view image : High-Resolution ] 400 kV in installation.jpg (283x213, 45.07k) Title
[ view image : High-Resolution ] DSCN0020.jpg (283x213, 53.46k) Title
[ view image : High-Resolution ] LunaII.jpg (283x210, 41.36k) Title
[ view image : High-Resolution ] soid state set up.jpg (283x213, 43.28k) Title
Il magnete di analisi dell'acceleratore LUNA II - The magnet of analysis of LUNA II accelerator
[ view image : High-Resolution ] test.jpg (283x213, 42.94k)
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