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Browsing experiments/dama (9 photos)

View of some detectors in the copper box during the installation of the old DAMA/NaI set-up (~100 kg). DAMA/NaI has been put out of operation in summer 2002 to allow the mounting of the new DAMA/LIBRA apparatus (250 kg).
[ view image : High-Resolution ] a-foto_a.jpg (290x171, 49.09k)

Dismounting the old DAMA/NaI set-up (~100 kg) in HP Nitrogen atmosphere.
[ view image : High-Resolution ] b-libra5.jpg (210x181, 39.49k)

The inner Cu vessel of the DAMA/LXe set-up.
[ view image : High-Resolution ] c-lxe1.gif (210x321, 28.14k)

In the clean room etching the copper and lead of the new DAMA/LIBRA set-up.
[ view image : High-Resolution ] d-libra6.jpg (210x280, 35.6k)

Installing in HP Nitrogen atmosphere the DAMA/LIBRA detectors (250 kg).
[ view image : High-Resolution ] e-foto_b.jpg (210x200, 49.32k)

Some detectors of the new DAMA/LIBRA set-up (250 kg) during the installation in HP Nitrogen atmosphere; some of the new shaped Cu shields for PMTs are shown.
[ view image : High-Resolution ] f-libra4.jpg (210x103, 34.53k)

Installing the new DAMA/LIBRA detectors in HP Nitrogen atmosphere
[ view image : High-Resolution ] g-libra2.jpg (450x372, 68.79k)

The inner Cu box in HP Nitrogen atmosphere fulfilled by the 25 DAMA/LIBRA detectors.
[ view image : High-Resolution ] h-libra1.jpg (210x158, 45.71k)

Installing the DAMA/LIBRA electronics.
[ view image : High-Resolution ] i-libra3.jpg (210x280, 43.78k)
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