LNGS Photo Collection
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Browsing experiments/borexino (6 photos)

Particolare dei vessels e dei fotomoltiplicatori interni alla sfera d'acciaio visti dal portellone di 3 metri di diametro - Prospect of the vessels and photomultipliers inside the SSS (Stainless Steel Sphere) seen by the 3 meters diameter door
[ view image : High-Resolution ] a1.jpg (305x203, 56.76k)

Interno della sfera d'acciaio durante l'installazione dei fotomoltiplicatori - Internal part of the SSS during the installation of the photomultipliers
[ view image : High-Resolution ] a2.jpg (283x213, 50.3k)

La Sfera d'acciaio vista dall'esterno - External view of the SSS
[ view image : High-Resolution ] a3.jpg (283x204, 38.63k)

Particolare del vessel e dei fotomoltiplicatori del CTF (Counting Test Facility) - View of the vessels and photomultipliers of the CTF (Counting Test Facility)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] a4.jpg (283x189, 44.72k)

Vessels e fotomoltiplicatori del CTF (Counting Test Facility) - Vessels and Photomultipliers of the CTF (Counting Test Facility)
[ view image : High-Resolution ] a5.jpg (285x285, 101.64k)

Interno della sfera d'acciaio a riempimento ultimato- Internal part of the SSS after its filling
[ view image : High-Resolution ] a6.jpg (305x204, 35.4k)
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