Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee is established in accordance to the art. 21st of the Regolamento Generale of the I.N.F.N. and its functions are specified in accordance to the disposition n. 5170 (and subsequent modifications and integrations) of the Consiglio Direttivo.

Its goal is to express opinions and proposals to the Director about the scientific directions of the Laboratory, on the experiments and on their approval, taking into consideration the available resources, underground spaces and the proposed lasting according to the Director´s dispositions.

The Committee is composed by scientific personalities chosen among the national and international community, it is appointed by the I.N.F.N. President on a proposal of the L.N.G.S. Director and after a disposition of the Consiglio Direttivo.

The Committee members are in charge for three years and generally can be consecutively re-appointed for a second term only once.

The current composition of the Scientific Committee is the following:

Ken Peach (Chairman)
University of Oxford (UK)
Teresa Montaruli
Université de Genève (Suisse)
Ferruccio Feruglio
Sezione INFN di Padova (Italy)
Christian Weinheimer
Institut für Kernphysik - Univ. Münster (Germany)
Neil Spooner
University of Sheffield - Sheffield (UK)
Sotiris Loucatos 
Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Univers CEA - Saclay (France)
Ezio Previtali
Sezione INFN di Milano Bicocca (Italy)
Marco Grassi
Sezione INFN di Pisa (Italy)
David Sinclair
Carleton University, Ottawa (Canada)

The committee email address is: cslngs[at]

Scientific Secretariat

Next SC meeting: April 28-29-30, 2015

Any document to be considered in a given meeting of the Scientific Committee must reach the LNGS at least two weeks before the meeting. These documents must get a quotable number, that will be obtained upon request to the Director´s Office. The LNGS is responsible for the distribution to the Committee members.
