HDMS operates two ionization HPGe detectors in a unique configuration
(see Fig.1).
A small, p-type Ge crystal is surrounded by a well-type Ge crystal,
both being mounted into a common cryostat system. To shield leakage currents
on the surfaces, a 1 mm thin insulator made from vespel is placed between
Fig. 1 Schematic view of the HDMS detector |
Two effects are expected to reduce the background of the inner detector:
- The anticoincidence between the two detectors, which acts as an effective
suppression for multiple scattered photons
- The detection crystal is surrounded by Ge, which is one of the radio-purest
known materials.
The HDMS experiment started in 1998 with a prototype phases: the HDMS-prototype
(for which both inner and outer detector were made of natural Ge) took successfully
data over a period of about 15 month in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory.
The full scale experiment was installed at LNGS in August 2000: the main difference
was the use of enriched 73Ge for the inner detector, but also a
new, low level Cu-crystal holder was used. The enrichment 73Ge consists
at the same time in a de-enrichment in the isotope 68Ge, whose X-rays
are a known source of background in the low energy region.

Fig. 2 Reduction of the HDMS background through anticoincidence
The reduction of the background due to the anticoincidence between the two
detectors can be seen in Fig.2; one can also appreciate the reduction of the
two gamma-peaks around 10 keV (X-rays from 68Ge), due to the decay
of the isotope.
Moreover, the isotope 73Ge has a spin different from zero and can
therefore be used to look for spin-dependent (SD) WIMP-nucleus interactions.
The first results from the HDMS experiment in the final setup are shown in
Fig. 3 Latest results from HDMS on Spin independent
WIMP-proton coupling