How to apply for TARI @ LNGS

Eligible researchers wishing to have access to the LNGS facilities are required to submit to the LNGS written proposals describing the work that they wish to carry out and all information requested in the application form.

The applications will be examinated according to the call for proposals, issued every six months (usually in March and September). The Call for Proposals will be published in the CERN Courier, Astroparticle Physics, and are also advertized in this web site.

Here is the list of the call for proposals:

* I call for proposals: deadline March 15 2001 (expired)
* II call for proposals: deadline September 15 2001 (expired)
* III call for proposals : deadline March 15 2003 (expired)
* IV call for proposals : deadline October 1 2003 (expired)
* V call for proposals: deadline March 1 2004 (expired)

For future applications please see the new LNGS contract under FP6

The Application form must be sent by mail to the following address:

Transnational Access to Research Infrastructure (TARI)
INFN Lab. Naz. del Gran Sasso
SS 17bis Km18+910
67010 Assergi(AQ)  - Italy

Proposals can be submitted any time during the contract period (November 2001- November 2004) . The proposals received will be evaluated a few days after the deadlines by the LNGS TARI  User Selection Panel (USP).
A prompt answer on funded groups will be comunicated shortly after the EU approval, following the recommendations given in the USP meeting.

